Subject: WEB: Webtor 0.91 alpha3 - WYS... Author: Jochen Schales ( Uploaded By: CJ Tohru Date: 9/19/1995 File: Webtor0.91prea3.sea (321993 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 634 Equipment: Any Mac Needs: StuffIt Expander or AOL 2.6 for extracting, System 7 Keywords: INTERNET TYPE: Freeware LIBRARY: IC/Personal Publishing (MAC) -------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: INTERNET Author's e-mail address: Webtor - a WYSIWYG editor for the Web Web-editor is the result of my thesis I've done with a lot ofsupport of the Fraunhofer Institute for ComputerGraphics. After I've finished my studies I start working there and try to getthe editor to a usable product (Hm, I'm still working on this :-)). This tool allows the user to edit HTML documents like normal text documentwithout any knowledge of HTML. At the moment the editor supports the HTML 2.0standardHTML2.0 standard. There is a possibility to configure the DTD, meaning thedescription of the HTML syntax, to modify the editor for future changes of HTML.Since the editor is based on this syntax description, a user can't createincorrect documents. There is support for special hypertext features like links and inline pictures. The user can choose a destinationdocument by selecting via a fileselector box and setting other attributes withcomfortable dialogs. The editor allows to type special character entities like normalcharacters. Requirements Apple Macintosh with System 7.1 or higher (only roman script system) 4MB RAM last change 10.7.95 Jochen Schales -------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses with SAM 4.0.5 to/me